
Sunday, September 6, 2009

tImE pAsS

music soothes minds and the heart.. and so to calm this poor soul.. here i am..
performing this crime of singing.....
Hold your breath friends.. coz the after the next few mins.. u will need som1 to hold you from an attack.. hihi :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

sAnds of tImE....

lost in a sea of dreams..
those moist eyes beheld hurt..
they saw no love..

her tender hands shivered
she yearned for care
for the forsaken love
for his warmth..

alas! the sands of time took him away..
to a world so far..
that she knew not where..

"Oh my love.. come back..
without you, life is an empty shack.."

she wept for him..
at his grave..

quietness unfolded deep into the sky..
clouds clanged to grumble..
the raindrops jumped to sprinkle..
and mother nature showered love as rain..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

dAnCe Pe cHaNcE ....

Come September and then there is chaos all around @ the work place ...

N number of mails flood the inbox.. yelling and calling out for pratice sessions, lack of people, props, costume and whoaa!! wat not!! titled.. " JALSA" ..

Yea.. "JALSA" .. the intra office dance competetion..

With it starts the prying and snooping too :D .. to know wat the other teams are upto.. wat songs they are mixing.. wat theme are they using.. their props.. and in the midst of all this.. all forget their own teams.. hihi..

mon through friday -- > work work work.. wit a topping of dance to it.. :))

Finally al wait for the D Day... this year its on the 24th... and guess wat.. me too in it.. :D

yippeeee.. the "RAPIDO" -- Tats ma team... guess vll rock... ;)