“When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most”
Sounds really sad.. dosent it? I suppose that is love.. You love som1 and then you know that, "that som1" can never be yours.. Still you keep loving and hoping that the person stays happy always...
Though it is said that all this is filmy and not happening in reality.. Many wouldnt approve of it... Coz
we have seen a million of such emotions flowing around... Among people we know.. Out of all the love stories that happen, many could be just infactuation... But some times it is so hard that it takes time to get out of the dream world... :)
And wen reality hits.. boy!! it hits bad.... From the clouds of love and the breeze of emotions and romance you fall down with a bump.. And then you know that "hey... it was just a dream"...
“Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes… just be an illusion.”