A getaway to bangalore had been in my mind since long.. Tat too travelling alone... ahaa!! And finally the day arrived... It was the first time tat i was moving by myself... always there would be somone.. bt this time it was jst me me and me... :D nd u kno wat!!!.. i loveddd it for a change... :) altogether a unique change from the regular schedule..
Starting off with my favourite train saga.... As soon as the engine started, i seated myself near the window.. starting to get the feel of the holliday... ;)
aS the enigine spedd off.. i was all ears to hear all the regular music n it... tHe VenDoRs, cHuG cHuG sound, the hooting and lot moree.....
Even as we grow with time.. these are few things which i think keep the child in us alive... :D
Watchin the passng crossings, vehicles waiting to cross, and lush green fields, the lakes, the sea too at times gives such a soothing feeling... :)
And as time passed, the sun needed to say gudbyee.. and night sky spread over like a blanket with the stars woven over it.... tHe stars luked lik diamonds spread over the wavy tressess of an angel....
tHe pole star shone at its best..... brighter than the rest... :)
As my eyes swept over this spectacular site.... they wished to close and walk into the world of dreamss... and by the time they opened .... ahaa.. there i was at my destination... bEnGaLuRuuu..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Finally Tagged
mY dEaReSt friend had tagged me a lil long time bak... bt alas i could make it jst now.... bT as it goes "bEtTer LaTe ThAn NeVeR" .... :)
Last movie seen in a theater?
Jaane tu ya Jaane Na
What book are you reading?
wAlK iNtO mY pArLoUr.... Anne Hocking
Favorite board game:
m bad at games... hehehe... sNaKe & lAdDeR
Favorite magazine:
pEoPlE, gOoD hOmE & aRcHiEs......
Favorite smells:
tHe Smell of earth.. when the first shower happens... , tHe smell of petrol..., tHe smell of all my fav dishes tat mum makes, tHe smell of "mulla" pu....
Favorite sound:
Hmm.. the sound of... the rustling leaves in a breeze, tHe rain, tHe wavy water "lap lap" on a lake or river...
Worst feeling in the world:
of hurting som1's feelings... Feeling scared of something... Feeling of helplessness....
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
"cAn i sLeeP fOr 5mIns MoRe!!" :)
Favorite fast food place:
tHe food court @ Tejaswini... , cOfFee BeAnZ @ Bhavani... Technopark
Future child’s name:
Havnt decided now... gotta find a cute lil one... :)
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
bUy all the luxury tat my mom wishes to have... :) sPenD it for pEopLe/oRgAnIsAtIoNs who actually need money.....
Do you drive fast?
Yes, provided the road is super cool... :)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
I slEeP wItH my "pInKu" tEdDy....
Favourite drink:
cHocOLaTe mIlKShAkE.....
Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
wAtS tAt!!!!
Storms - Cool or Scary?
cOOl if am safe and if i kNow its not gonna do any harm.. oTherwise undoubtedly sCaRy.......
If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
hAve done tat during eNgIneErIng..... 't wAs bUrGuNdY..... nD lUkD cOoL..... i JsT luVeD 't... :D
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Favorite sports to watch:
Cricket , Tennis... Though i hardly make myslf to watch either of em! ;)
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
tWo of My FrIeNdS had tagged me for this... one is a VeRy SwEeT & cUtE girly... wHo kNoWs mE qUiTe WelL... aNd tHe OtHeR oNe Is a yOuNg & HaNdSoMe LaD... full of talents.. nd out of tat photography being the superb one...
What’s under your bed?
fLoOr...... :)
Would you like to be born as yourself again?
yUp..... nOoOo dOuBt aT all...... i LuV tHe wAy i Am.... :D
Morning person or night owl?
Night owl ... moRnInG maX i Can SlEeP tIl 7 30....
Over easy or sunny side up?
OvEr EaSy....
Favorite place to relax:
mY bEdDy DaRliNg..... fIlLeD wItH mY pIlLoWs.... aT hOmE
Favorite pie:
CoCoNut pIe.....
Favorite ice cream flavor:
ChOcOlAtE with chocolate chips topping ... ummm.. yUmMyy.....
You pass this tag to: aNtY.... sUzz....
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